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There is a full program for the various ages of Children before they become teenagers and join the Youth. This program will include equipping children in their gifting, having them minister to one another. How to understand the prophetic which is also included in the various arts they are taught.
We don't believe that Children should be kept occupied while the adults grow, but that they are at an age where the things of the Kingdom are far more at hand than for the adults who struggle with years of previous hurts and disappointments.
Youth are listened to and their time is tailored around the things that are on their hearts. Apart from the once a month that the Youth minister to the congregation with leading worship, they will start their sessions with ICU.
ICU (I See You) is where they will minister to one another using their prophetic gifting in hearing what Papa God has to say through them to each other.
Then they will tackle the subject of their choice. For instances, currently they are doing an in-depth on Revelations.

There are also Creche facilities for the wee little ones.

TERRAFORMING (Tues 9am onward)

Terraforming is a word used by NASA to describe changing atmospheres from ones that are hostile to the human race, to ones that are hospitable. 
This ministry is the application of this word that describes how His maturing bride (the Church) is given the authority to change the spiritual atmosphere of creation from one that is hostile to love (deception, coercion, manipulation) to one that is hospitable (freewill to choose).
We pray over:
People (physical & emotional healing, traumatic stress recovery, generational cleansing, deliverance),
Places (the land, our homes, church / school / work, our cities, our nations), and
Things (our food, clothes, jewellery, furniture, cars, home / church / school / work, hotel rooms, and national monuments),
with one set of keys to see the power of deception / coercion / manipulation dismantled so people can freely choose again.
This ministry is about understanding our roles as Priests and the authority we have to bring forgiveness in order to liberate creation from it's bondage to decay into a place where Papa God can make His employ through us, as ambassadors of Christ for reconciliation to His original intent.
For more information

HOP (House of Prayer) (Tues 7pm-9pm)

We understand more than ever that this is a call to prayer for the region. Having the perspective here in Cyprus as Jeremiah had when the Lord called him to cross over to the coasts of Kittim (Cyprus) in Jeremiah 2:10 to observe/look. We realise that Cyprus has a mandate to stand on the walls and give Him no rest until the Lord establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. Along with this understanding that Cyprus has a destiny of intercession we have taken on the Isaiah 19 mandate to see a highway of praise from Egypt, Assyria and Israel.Our two hour slot on a Tuesday night of antiphonal singing and prayer (Harp & Bowl) will hopefully increase as more people catch the vision of re-establishing David's makeshift tabernacle of 24/7 prayer and worship.
Therefore if you feel God's leading to be more involved in the HOP please contact us.

SEEK HIS FACE (Wed 7pm-9pm)

Every Wednesday night except the first Wednesday of every month, we will spend time just seeking God without any agenda of our own. Sometimes we will spend an hour in silence "The Wait" hearing from God then combining what we have heard to see the bigger picture, or a time spent in worship with prayer.


HOPE (1st Wednesday of the month 7pm-9pm)

H.O.P.E. is an acronym for Healing, Open, Prophetic Expressions. We have HOPE every first Wednesday of each month. HOPE combines a number of different ministries all in one evening. The "presence room" will normally have live prophetic worship that sets the atmosphere while clients wait to be ministered to after filling in a form.
People can receive prayer for physical healing, while others can wait for a prophetic time of ministry from an available team. During ministry time a group of artists will also be receiving from The Lord visual confirmation for clients after they have been ministered to.
If you would like to book an appointment online for such a session please fill in the form on the contact us page.


About 3 times a year we will participate in the Mind, Body and Soul fair (two in the Greek south of Cyprus and one in the Turkish occupied area). here we have seen the Holy Spirit move in the Prophetic, Healing, Words of Knowledge, dream interpretation and prophetic art. These are normally some of our most rewarding outreaches, being able to minister God's love to a diversity of people who would not necessarily to interested in church.

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This page is not updated and will be so in the next few days
Mingling together
Faces we'll never forget
becoming family
international refugee day
The guys making us food
Visiting some at the Refugee camp
Always Family
debating with ambassadors
early days
first day
dinner time
getting aquainted

Our Ministry to the refugees

For 7 months last year we housed 56 Syrian/Palestinian
refugees in our church building, that were abandoned in Nicosia after the government closed the camp that was housing them. We, along with the aid of NGO groups, many Ambassadors from around the region, Churches, and individuals restored to them their dignity and value and became family for life. They truly turned our hearts inside out and upside down. The relationships remains intact with frequent communication as they have made their way into different nations.

Follow Up

Teddy and Georgia visiting our refugees who have now settled in Germany, Dubai and Denmark:


Refugee Aid

A 40' container arrives from Scotland from "Stella's Voice" full of food, clothing, bedding and tents that we are now distributing in Cyprus through different ministries, NGO's and Churches as well as through our refugee contacts.

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